Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's the Economy, Angus.

The jedi finally reveals an economic stimulus plan. So, that's two good moves in less than two weeks. Barack and roll.

Despite his gains and her losses, the real losers may be Democratic voters. Has the infighting taken its toll? More on that from The Globe.
They could be onto something. Obama's lead over JMac is 0.2. Once the war hero rallying cry sounds, the jedi could have a challenge on his hands: convince voters he not only dislikes the war (mission accomplished) but has real foreign policy credentials to get troops out and keep peace. The problem with both men might be their exclusion from the tune in, turn on decade (JMac) and the Wall Street/L.A. Gear/hair gel decade (Obama).

JMac doesn't denounce war, but he puts it into a broader context, one Bush probably couldn't articulate or lacks the credibility to get the message across. JMac is no Bush.

Help me Pennsylvania, you're my only hope. Princess Leia asks for help from friends in the Keystone State. Others think she's already got the popular vote. Warning: long and boring piece with charts.

What about adding VP to her resume? It would be a setback at this point. Note to candidates: if you lose, remember that you're already a senator; just be the best senator you can be.

Dirty politics works wonders for the GOP. If you haven't noticed, most of that McCain vitriol from the right has evaporated in recent weeks. That means they're getting behind JMac. The same tactics that used on their candidate, they'll use on the jedi or HRC. Be ready.

Most of us only know Baltimore from The Wire. I know the Indians play in Cleveland and the rock and roll hall of fame is there (hey assholes, induct Yes!). We know Detroit is falling apart, but we haven't seen it first hand. Turns out, nearly all of the candidates are in the same boat with us. In a must-read, the Politico looks at the ignorance and neglect of urban issues in the 2008 campaign. What John Edwards could have done for blighted rural America, Barack Obama, a man with an entirely urban vibe (dude, arugula and Whole Foods in Iowa?>, could do for decaying sections of urban America.

This is a tired story, but it won't go away: Gore is the answer for some. Let's just call it, an inconvenient truth. Oh, you're killing me!

Finally, Turd Blossom shares wisdom.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All the Wright Moves

The jedi was made for moments like this. In what is sure to become one of the crowning achievements in his campaign and budding political career, Obama discussed race in Philly. Needless to say, the speech has gone over pretty well. Speeches like this silence his critics and HRC's camp, and the GOP attack machine has little counterattack when the kid is so damn smooth. If he keeps this up, he'll win.

Yes, the party of Quayle still sees a window of opportunity. Hey Rick Wilson, go suck an egg. From the classy guy who tried to destroy the honorable Max Cleland:

“It was a speech written to mau-mau the New York Times editorial board, the network production people and the media into submission. Beautifully calibrated but deeply dishonest,” said GOP media consultant Rick Wilson, who crafted the 2002 ad tying then-Sen. Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden. “Not good enough.”

Tell that to the adoring public who bought the speech. He will beat you, Wilson. In case you've been under a rock for the last week or so, let that jewel of journalism, The NY Post fill you in.

So what if the jedi pulls through and lands the biggest gig in the land? Brownstein weighs the pros and cons and describes how it might look this time next year.

Is the heartland leaning democratic? Last I heard, they still send childish emails chastising Hillary (thank you Uncle Mark and your legion of like-minded sympathizers).

Is Hillary more conservative? Don't know, but she's got some new friends.

Now that his nomination is all but official, JMac uses his pro-immigration stance to court the growing demographic. There's a little maverick left. A little.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Know when to say when


Wevoteprocat is bored. That's right. We're bored with the current election story lines: when will Hillary bow out?, why does the right despise McCain, why have young voters flocked to Obama? Yawn. This race was more exciting when Dodd (Angus!) and Tancredo were still in the race. Hell, I'd take a reentry from Delaware's own Joe Biden and faux good ol'boy Fred Thompson just to spice things up. Anyway, we'll still try to present the coverage with as much enthusiasm as we can muster. Here goes, campers:

Mitt has spawned 56 perfect sons. One is contemplating a run for Congress, Utah style.

Chris Dodd grabs headlines for thirty seconds and endorses Obama.

Some say the jedi has made a few gaffes. WVPC says he's still sitting on cloud nine with Democratic voters, as long as they hold onto their double grande something-or-others.

In the words of Boston (R.I.P. Brad Delp), the GOP says "we're ready now."

Let the war of words between the jedi and the occasional maverick begin.

Conservative icon dies and lands on cover of Newsweek. Torch passed onto Sean Hannity.

Who did you think he would endorse, Kucinich?

WVPC out.