Sunday, January 20, 2008

Old man gets revenge in S.C.

Who's laughing now, GW Bush? After getting ambushed by Bush operatives in 2000, the even older and wiser (?) John McCain can claim victory in the Palmetto State (Psst. I liked hims better eight years ago).

The GOP lives in the shadow of Bush. Newsweek's Evan Thomas discusses how they can escape it. Wevoteprocat declares it this week's must read.

Speaking of This Week, it was a good roundtable, as Matthew Dodd arrives at the table. Does Vanden huevel have another outfit? I've seen that purple blazer like 15 times within the last two months. Topics include the minority vote, Florida, economics, and McCain. Check it out.

Rudy also made an appearance on This Week. He's never looked scarier.

Apparently, he has a supporter in Jon Voight. And he still thinks Florida will take him all the way to the top. It worked for another GOP bully not so long ago. Hey Rudy, tell Judy to leave my special friends alone. She's about to break that kid's neck.

Rudy has finished last or second to the last in every contest. Ron Paul has had better showings than the former America's Mayor. The next three weeks are crucial. Everyone in the Beltway is still scratching their heads over Rudy's demise.

Meet the Press hosted an all-star panel. Man, Reba McEntire has really let herself go.

A fourth place finish near his home turf spells disaster for Thompson. Wevoteprocat's prediction: expect a concession speech tomorrow.

Four percent for Edwards in Nevada. How can the man survive past South Carolina? He can't. It was a good run, but he's just throwing away money at this point. Both of the two Americas have rejected him.

Do you know what time it is? Wave your hands in the air like you just care because it's time to check the candidates' temperatures. That's right; the Thermometer is ready.

On this frigid January Sunday, maybe some hot temps will warm you up.

Hillary - Hot. Has the former first lady regained her front runner status? Nevada says yes.
Obama - Warm. The Reagan comment got him in some hot water, but his temp has cooled. Sunday found him in church. The Clinton's nasty campaigning, however, makes him look good. The endorsements from red state Democrats help, too.
Edwards - Frozen. Prediction: he'll endorse Obama by March.

McCain - On fire. The party faithfuls are gravitating toward a face they kind of trust.
Romney - Hot. Third place in a NASCAR region isn't bad for a corporate tool. And the Nevada victory doesn't really hurt him.
Huckabee - Warm. The polls don't necessarily reflect this view, but WVPC sees things a bit differently. The economy is heading towards peril. Huck's the only GOP candidate who seems to understand the plight of middle and lower class GOP voters.
Rudy - Lukewarm. He's not frozen, but the Florida strategy seems like it could backfire. How can he make a strong case after such a poor showing in New Hampshire? However, he'll do better than expected on Feb. 5. Wait and see.
Thompson - On ice. South Carolina was his last chance.

Is Bill Clinton hurting Hillary? His Obama insults hurt the party. He doesn't seem to care. Who would've thought the Dems would run a nastier campaign than the GOP? Do us a favor, Bill. Lay off.

Finally, could they still blow it?

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