Thursday, May 15, 2008

Edwards solidifies future cabinet appointment: Secretary of Great Hair and My Dad Worked in a Textile Mill Department.

Go ahead, Barack. You can run your fingers through it.

North Carolina's favorite populist (sorry, Jesse Helms) finally made his endorsement clear. No, he didn't pick Mike Gravel.

In the meantime, Hillary scores another meaningless victory, but it's enough to keep her in the news for another five weeks. The news cycle continues as follows: she's holding on for dear life, voters second guess Obama's commitment to working class values, Hillary wins another primary, superdelegates undecided, Obama looks to wrap up nomination, blah, blah, blah. Tell WVPC those won't be the stories until July. Go ahead, tell Angus.

If Barack does get the nod, he'll need to get angry quickly. Not sure I would heed that advice, but I guess you play dirty when you fight the GOP in the general.

While the W takes potshots at a certain unnamed future Democratic nominee, others have advice for JMac: avoid Bush like the plague.

Edwards endorsement makes WVPC nostalgic for the 08 candidates of yore. Which of the former '08 candidates will we see again? Here's some presumptive percentages based on nothing even remotely scientific (Angus helped with these forecasts).

Romney: 90%. Varmint hunting can really take you far in politics. Yes, with just one hastily purchased NRA membership, you too can go from a moderate governor of the most liberal state in the U.S. to a Barry Goldwater-loving, no new taxes, big military budget con in a matter of days. In an off year when they can't find a new Reagan in the flock, the GOP has a sudden infatuation with Romney. Can you say Secretary of Commerce?

Huckabee: 75%. The real compassionate conservative won the hearts of some caucus voters in that now ancient month of January. JMac seems warm to Huck, so I don't know why he wouldn't give him a phone call for the Office of Faith Based Initiatives. Well, unless he calls John Hagee first.

Paul: 0%. JMac scorned Paul's isolationism and Dr. No faces some challenges from within the GOP attack machine.

Edwards: 99%. Yesterday's endorsement was an unofficial invitation, or plea, to join a future cabinet. Put your money on Secretary of Health and Human Services or Labor.

Biden: 75%. Hey, he already said that Obama was clean and articulate. Compliments like that can land you a Secretary of State position if you're lucky.

Richardson: 70%. Prediction: Barack Obama will have more clout than James Carville come November. Just to piss off the Dem establishment, Richardson could accept a cabinet position. He's another secretary of state candidate.

Dodd: 50%. The venerable senator may be looking for a new gig to augment his already nice resume. A cabinet position would be a good way to go out.

Come back this weekend when WVPC looks at the best lookers in politics. You won't want to miss this!

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