Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jesus + Sweaters + Republicans = Christmas

Deck the halls with bells of Huckabee. My favorite part is the "I don't blame you."

I'm a little late on this one, but the NY Times Magazine included a weekend profile of Huckabee.

Over at Slate, Hitchens has other ideas about Huck.

In crossing party lines news, Liebermann endorsed McCain. From the looks of this picture, Joe didn't enjoy the handjob as much as John.

Salon's Walter Shapiro makes some good points; it's sadly not about the issues anymore.

E.J. Dionne proves why he's one of the best.

With all of those links out of the way, let's look at a Wevoteprocat exclusive: The Thermometer.
Here's how it goes: I take the temperature of the candidates and convey the levels of hotness and coldness to you, my readers. I mean, reader.


Obama - Hot. But I wouldn't say he's on fire. The sleeper candidates get more attention than the frontrunners when we're this close to Iowa.

Edwards - Heating up. The Newsweek cover helped, but he's still the bronze medalist in Iowa's eyes. Go for the gold, John.

Hillary - Lukewarm. The Des Moines Register endorsement is important, and her criticisms of Obama (lack of experience, funny middle name, eats children for breakfast) are probably better than his or any other Dems' criticisms of her. However, we won't know if she's the comeback kid until the middle of next month after a few primaries are finished.

Everybody else - Cold. "I'll miss you Chris Dodd," cried Angus.


Huckabee - Still hot. The rivals have turned up the criticism, but it only seems to have emboldened his campaign. He rules the print and webpages right now.

McCain - Getting warm. He'll place second in New Hampshire, and that will garner some media attention.

Romney - Heating up. This campaign's temperature has fluctuated more than any other on the GOP side. If you just started paying attention over the last three weeks, you'd think it's a two person race even though the guy doesn't even register in the double digits nationally. He'll finish strong, and I think he'll be around until late Feb or early March. You heard it here first at Wevoteprocat.

Rudy - Cold. He's still strong nationally, but finishing out of the top three in Iowa and New Hapmpshire will spell a slow death for the campaign.

Thompson - Arctic temperatures. When was the last time you read an article about this guy? Oh yeah, September.

Everyone else - Tancredo will still be a xenophobe when it's all over, and Duncan Hunter will still be named Duncan.

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