Saturday, April 5, 2008

Batter up

While the nation winds down from the Wright-Obama debacle, waits for Hillary to bow out, and watches JMac gain more and more momentum, WVPC has come to the conclusion that it's been a boring week. Obama bowled a 37, and that's about as exciting as it gets. Hey, it keeps us distracted from the looming recession.

Even if the action is slow, the hot and savvy political writing is go! Well, as hot as George Will, EJ Dionne Elanor Clift and Jonah Goldberg can get, I suppose. In honor of opening week, let's play ball:

In a story that WVPC knew would get more attention sooner or later, earlier in the week, The Hill reveals JMac's reluctance to roll out his military sons for the campaign move. Sure enough, WVPC was right!

Speaking of fortunate sons, Obama ain't one of them. Some think that could spell disaster come November. For other Obama liabilities, see Postrel. Prepare to see more and more articles like those two as the campaign enters its 'inevitable nomination' phase.

All of this Democratic infighting leads to an emboldened, mobilized and smirking GOP. Don't believe us? Even The Nation thinks so. Of course, The National Review agrees. Hey Jonah, work on that prose. I had to read that piece like six times before it made sense.

For those so disenchanted with the GOP, you have another option. You may remember Georgia's Bob Barr from Borat. Well, Mr. Barr is no longer a Republican, and he's gearing up for a run for President. He's the new Libertarian candidate. Way to go, Bob, capture that 0.6% of the popular vote. This decision is another strange twist in a fascinating career. Study his Wikipedia page.

If you like rock and you're a white guy, apparently, you're likely to vote for McCain. Note to Nickelback, do what Three Doors Down did for W. Pretty cool, guys.


Harvest said...
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Harvest said...

As I said before I unsaid it, where the F is my Bob "I can't believe I'm from the same state as Carter" Barr presidential candidate link in the sidebar? If Gravel and Tancredo get to be up there, my main-mustachioed-man Bob deserves to be there too. What does Angus have against 3rd parties anyway? What are you hiding, cat!?!?