Saturday, September 13, 2008

Non-Palin Edition

A day of remembrance and a break from mudslinging and Palin.

The campaigns held a brief ceasefire on Thursday as JMac and The Jedi paid their respects on a somber day in politics.

When you're on the homestretch, the goodwill doesn't last long.

New line of attack: JMac doesn't send emails. While this isn't some shocking revelation, The LA Times lets it be known that JMac can't type due to poor fingers. Ouch.

The seven homes argument didn't really work (psst, Obama...many middle class voters yearn for wealth. Some find owning multiple homes as an admirable trait and a sign of hard work, even if it is more indicative of privilege and inheritance). The "third Bush term" jab was going okay until some woman from Alaska hopped aboard The Once Straight Talk Express.

Where does that leave the Obama campaign? They're mounting a counterattack that's critical of JMac's dirty politics and distortions, but it's too early to tell how ideals and policy resonate in the election of biography and diversion.

Johnny, do you got some room on the Straight Talk Express bus for a case of Cat Burglar DVDs?

JMac held up pretty well on Friday's View, as Whoopi, Barb, and co. came out swinging. The interview, however, wasn't without some half-truths and even fallacies.

Stay tuned for more as WVPC cranks into overdrive.

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