If you thought Chris Buckley was big news, and most outside the Beltway probably didn't, The Jedi scored a bigger nod on Sunday. Forecast for months, the nod comes with a critical assessment of the current direction of the GOP. The kicker: "not just small towns have values."
Powell joins a long and peculiar list of new friends of the left (at least for two more weeks). The Gipper's former speechwriter continued her assault on the Palin pick. Other members of the dissatisfied right crowd:
- Pat Buchanan (for reasons other than Palin)
- Kathleen Parker (for Palin reasons)
- George Will (Iraq)
- Tucker Carlson (Iraq)
Granted, none of these folks will likely vote for the jedi, but their unhappiness is a good indicator that not all has been well in GOP land. WVPC was holding out for Arlen Specter, but don't count on it.
Who is the mastermind behind the Sarah pick? If you guessed Steve Schmidt, you may be wrong. It could be the same dude who helped usher in the Iraq war. The Neocons want Sarah. Larry Flynt wants her, too. And he got her. Well, at least in the Flynt way.
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