Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mouth Poop.

Two debates have passed since you've last heard from WVPC. Angus had a terrible cough. It's all that venom in the air.

The messsage is loud and clear: Drill Here, Drill Now.

Hey, the guy has his Workingman's PhD. He's an energy expert.

Ayers: the new favorite and, hopefully, last ditch effort.

Does the approaching cold weather give you the blues? Here's the thermometer to help you brave the current political climate:

Obama: Warm. He may make some lofty promises, but, like Al Davis says, "just win, baby."

Biden: Lukewarm. A less than impressive debate performance against America's new lovable lightweight and gaffes on the road mean Delaware Joe is just so-so.

JMac: Cold. He admits that he's not the frontrunner. Commentators from both sides of the aisle scoffed at his economic plan to buy up mortgages.

Palin: Cooling off, but she's still popular where it counts (the new, blue-collar GOP base) and when it will count (Election Day).
Angus: On fire. Is there a more lovable cat? Nope.

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